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CPAP Information & Latest News | NSW CPAP

Read about the latest news and updates on CPAP and APAP technology, health benefits, and more.

Your sleep. Time to stand up and avoid being counted.
Over 2,500,000 Australians suffer with undiagnosed Sleep Apnea. Are you one of them?
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Don’t sleep-walk into dementia
A new study reinforces the link between CPAP treatment and a lower risk of Alzheimer's and other dementias.
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CPAP – live better, live longer.
Using a CPAP device as directed significantly increases sleep apnea patients’ chances of living longer according to a major new study.
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Things you should know about…. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
  • With sleep apnea, your breathing during sleep will reduce or may even stop
  • You are likely to only have breathing difficulties when asleep
  • You may have no idea this happens
  • It can be associated with other medical problems
  • It can be successfully treated
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Read all about the New Resmed AirMini launched at NSW CPAP
Achieving new heights in patient-centered innovation, AirMini packs ResMed's clinically proven CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) technology along with its comfort and ease-of-use features into a sleek, portable, pocket-sized device ideal for traveling.
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Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and Comorbidities
People with untreated obstructive sleep apnoea may have well forgotten what a good night’s sleep is. Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) causes recurring obstruction of the upper airway of a person thus causing him to repeatedly wake up at least 30 times in an hour.
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CPAP Tips for Allergy Season
For many Australians, the arrival of spring means the start of allergy season.
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I Learned I Have Sleep Apnea. It’s More Serious Than Many People Realise.
There are many treatment options for a problem that can be downright deadly.
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The Top 10 Effects of Sleep Loss
Obstructive sleep apnoea and insomnia are sleep disorders that can make a sufferer not only lethargic but grumpy and foggy as well.
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